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Another Experiment, Another Blog!

I have no idea how many of these blogs I have set up, written a few posts for, and then ...abandoned? I know there is at least one. Maybe I should revise it too. I wanted to make an author site where I can talk about my books, and other stuff in my life, and even in the world. Basically, I published my Psychorp novels on Draft 2 Digital, mainly hoping to find a way to add them to my alter ego's online store, Unique Treasures.

They have a print option coming soon that might work but I think we need to have digital available as well without requiring the buyer to click a link to another site. The more I looked at my old books, the more I started to become interested in writing again. I also searched and found some 4 and 5 stars reviews of my novels and that interest increased. I'd like to finally write the third Psychorp novel and start building that series again. The third book should be set twenty or more years after the end of the first two. Maybe. I haven't decided yet. I also want to work on ideas I had for a science fiction book, maybe another series, I don't know yet. See, the ideas are there, and have been even though I haven't written anything in over ten years. I am going to add a list of my current published works, my author pages, and book pages with buy links.

I also find myself in a design phase, having designed some things to print on in t-shirts and other items. There are some of my designs available on items in Unique Treasures. Not bad for someone who grew up in the era before cellphones, computers, internet, and online anything.

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